Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dummy Hobby

Have you ever wanted to be praised for your impeccable art skills and create masterpieces that make people go "WOW" and o.O ? Well, if i can do it, so can you!

Yes! I've taken up painting for dummies 101. Its simple, You choose from a range of scenic pictures and landscapes and pick one. Inside the box will be a white canvas and some paint and brushes. Now,if you're worried about painting like crap and your picture turning out to be a mess, do not fear, painting for idiots methods are available. 

The best catch/method these manufacturers have to ensure that your painting is gonna be absolutely gorgeous/pretty is that the whole canvas is filled with numbers for you. 

Why numbers?

That's because these numbers on the canvas indicate which color goes to which area! Each color is labelled with a number etc: 1,2,3 and you just find the number 1 areas and paint it! Just follow the color codes and paint accordingly and you can also be an artist!

Its freaking genius i tell you. Just simple painting in between the lines that definitely would guarantee that you cant go wrong unless you really have no talent in coloring. I would show you pictures but if you read the previous post, you would have known that i stupidly formatted my memory card and lost everything. So i can only show you my current state of the artwork which is almost half completed.

 1 day later 

Isn't it nice?! OMG. Self praise :x

If you look at the other side of the unpainted painting, you can clearly see the numbers. So just 
follow the numbers and fill in the paint respectively. I think its a very awesome and dummy proof hobby and im super hooked on to this project. Everyday, the first thing i want to do when i get home is to paint and paint and paint.

 And when its all completed, you can frame it up and  hang it in your house so when visitors come, you can proudly say "I  HAND PAINTED THIS" and they will think you are a freaking genius artist. They will never know. (unless you tell them)

To my knowledge the paintings can be found at Pioneer Mall, Jurong Point and Terminal 3's Ntuc (although there's like hardly any selection there) and definitely elsewhere but i know Jurong Point sells it at a way pricier price. Its $49.90 there but about $25 at Pioneer Mall. You can try sourcing elsewhere and i'll keep a lookout if i notice other areas selling this.  

I'm definitely continuing on this addictive hobby and i post up the completed piece once im finished! 


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